Attendance & Absences
Students are expected to attend the school every day classes are being held.
Students are considered late if they arrive to school after 8:40am. They must collect a ‘Late Notice’ slip at the Principal’s office.
No child is permitted to leave the school grounds during school hours unless collected by a parent or other authorised person.
Leaving the school premises during school hours will need a serious reason. The school principal must be notified in writing if a child is to leave the school premises during school hours.
If your child is absent from school for any reason, the school office should be notified by phone on the morning of the absence, prior to 9:00am.
For all absences a written note must be sent to the class teacher upon return to the school within 7 days.
In the case of an extended absence;
• through illness – the school office should be advised by telephone.
• any other reason – written notice should be given to the Principal in advance.
Holidays during school days are not permitted.
Children absent for extended periods (e.g. holidays) will continue to be charged fees.