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Principles and Values

Our Lord Jesus Christ: Centre of our School

In order to remain faithful to Our Lord Jesus Christ, our school follows the Tradition of the Catholic Church, notably by its exclusive attachment to the Tridentine Mass and the traditional catechism. Jesus Christ reigns over our school by the truth of the catechism taught each day, by regular prayer and especially by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at which the children assist each week. All of the subjects are taught in the light of the Catholic Faith. Education is cooperation with the action of God’s grace; a solid piety and the regular reception of the sacraments will nourish in the children the life of sanctifying grace without which no education can be accomplished.


Education of the intelligence
Our school exists in order to facilitate the child’s scholarly and intellectual duty of state. The teaching that is given does not aim at giving a disorderly accumulation of information, but the formation of the intelligence so as to acquire a sound judgement and a taste for the truth, based on solid knowledge in the principle subjects. Some of the school’s activities are specially conceived to nourish the healthy relationship with reality which the intelligence needs in order to develop normally: science class, school outings and crafts.


Education of character
Education will not be complete if the will and the character are not formed to desire and attach themselves to what is good. The school rules are a privileged means for forming children who are balanced, generous, docile and capable of mastering themselves, and who are moved by the love of God and neighbour.


Education by what is beautiful

Teaching the children to recognize and appreciate true beauty nourishes their attraction for the truth. This education can be developed by numerous aspects of life in our school: the Liturgy, the school uniform, singing, music, drawing, well-kept notebooks, beautiful handwriting, the decoration of the classes throughout the year. By these means, the sensibility is deepened and tempered.

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