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St. Dominic School Song

On the site where Captain Cook stood,
Stands a School above the rest.
Resplendent in our blue and white,
Dear God we have been blessed.
So we raise a joyful chorus,
As we sing the Savio Song.
Potius Mori, Quam Peccare.
We’d rather die than ever sin,
We’ll ever stand so tall.
With God’s grace we will not fall,
And our salvation we will win.

In our catechism lessons,
We will listen attentively.
We go to Mass, the Stations,
And we pray the Rosary.
And just like Saint Dominic Savio,
We all strive for sanctity.

Academically the students,
We all strive for excellence.
Our studies are important,
To neglect them an offence.
And just like the great Saint Thomas,
We will do our very best.

In the field of Sport we’re winners,
And we give the game our best.
Sportsmanlike in how we play,
We play it with finesse.
And we strive to reach the highest,
And attain the Walker Cup.

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